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Stone Brewing Berlin: A Rocky Landing Righted?

Stone Brewing Berlin: A Rocky Landing Righted?

I headed out to Stone Brewing’s Berlin outpost in Mariendorf with less than great expectations. Stone’s arrival in Berlin had, after all, been anything but auspicious. During a press conference in 2014, co-owner Greg Koch presided over the destruction of a pallet of main-stream European 

Global Craft Beer on a Sea of IPA: Sameness Masquerading as Difference?

Global Craft Beer on a Sea of IPA: Sameness Masquerading as Difference?

American-style IPA, that beloved child of the craft beer renaissance, has left the building. In recent years, IPA has become detached from its local context on the West Coast of the United States to emerge as a globalized signifier of everything exciting and novel about 

Prague: A Jewel in the Crown of Beer Culture

Prague: A Jewel in the Crown of Beer Culture

~Some of Prague’s Best Beer Spots~   Prague is justly famous for its Old Town Square, its Castle District dominated by St. Vitus Cathedral, and the Charles Bridge, majestic despite the throngs of tourists. Beyond that, Prague is famous for the Defenestration of Prague. (Defenestration: 

Beer in Prague: A List to Get You Started

Beer in Prague: A List to Get You Started

Prague. Beer. Two words that go well together. Welcome to my series on Prague. In contrast to other series I’ve compiled or other city/regional spotlights I’ve written, I’m going to start at the end, as it were, with a rough-and-ready list of beers that you 

Berlin Calling: Beer in the Capital of Germany

Berlin Calling: Beer in the Capital of Germany

It’s late 2008, about a month after I had arrived in Berlin to conduct research on Germany’s recent efforts to commemorate the Second World War. Another leaden gray winter afternoon, mist hanging low enough to obscure the landmark TV Tower on Alexanderplatz, leafless trees shivering