“A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine”: Vienna Lager Past and Present

“A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine”: Vienna Lager Past and Present

A few years back, the beer world came together to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Law) promulgated in 1516. The atmosphere across Bavaria was festive. Breweries touted the Reinheitsgebot during their tours, museums staged exhibitions about the edict’s history, and beer 

Vienna Lager: Ten Beers to Try in Austria’s Capital

Vienna Lager: Ten Beers to Try in Austria’s Capital

What began life as a rough-and-ready list of Vienna Lagers to accompany “A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine: Vienna Lager Past and Present” has morphed into something more than that. Below you’ll read about beer names that evoke colourful characters and aspects of Viennese history. 

Stone Brewing Berlin: A Rocky Landing Righted?

Stone Brewing Berlin: A Rocky Landing Righted?

I headed out to Stone Brewing’s Berlin outpost in Mariendorf with less than great expectations. Stone’s arrival in Berlin had, after all, been anything but auspicious. During a press conference in 2014, co-owner Greg Koch presided over the destruction of a pallet of main-stream European 

Beer in Prague: A List to Get You Started

Beer in Prague: A List to Get You Started

Prague. Beer. Two words that go well together. Welcome to my series on Prague. In contrast to other series I’ve compiled or other city/regional spotlights I’ve written, I’m going to start at the end, as it were, with a rough-and-ready list of beers that you 

Picturing Beer

Picturing Beer

Greetings, all you fine readers of A Tempest in a Tankard! This post has nothing to do with beer and everything to do with beer. I’ve been meaning to update the layout of the site ever since, oh, 2013 when I started the blog. But 

In the Land of Flemish Red-Brown Ale

In the Land of Flemish Red-Brown Ale

  ~Oud Bruin? Rood Bruin? Flemish Red? It’s all foeders to me~   Only an hour by train from Brussels, West Flanders is renowned for its picturesque medieval towns replete with belfries and beguinages, sandy North Sea beaches, verdant open fields, and a harrowing First