Tag: Doppelbock

A Recipe for Stout Irish Stew

A Recipe for Stout Irish Stew

  It’s Friday afternoon, the day after our homebrew club’s St. Paddy’s Day Potluck. It’s also been a long stretch without a break from translation projects and beer writing projects, a few of which you’ll soon see in print. And it’s been quite some time 

How Paulaner’s Salvator Doppelbock Got Its Name

How Paulaner’s Salvator Doppelbock Got Its Name

Paulaner may well have become one of the world’s leading brewers of Weissbier in recent decades, but Paulaner’s Salvator Doppelbock remains inseparable from the history of the brewery’s famous Salvatorkeller beer garden atop Munich’s Nockherberg.     A Church Bell Named Salvator The Süddeutsche Zeitung 

A Season for Strong Beer

A Season for Strong Beer

You have to admire a city where the rhythms of life revolve around excuses to tap a keg and raise a mug of good cheer. Munich is one such city where the seasons are marked by festivities that involve a healthy amount of imbibing. Most 

Tempest at Two Years: Raising My Tankard to You

Tempest at Two Years: Raising My Tankard to You

The Chistkindl markets tucked into Vienna’s squares large and small foretell snowflakes and frosty windowpanes. The fragrance of the town has become decidedly seasonal. Cinnamon and clove announcing mulled wine (Glühwein) mingle with the sweet brown sugar aromas of roasted and spiced almonds (gebrannte Mandeln) 

Of Whisky Casks and Doppelbocks: The New Wave of German Brewing

Of Whisky Casks and Doppelbocks: The New Wave of German Brewing

It was only a matter of time until a new generation of German brewers started heeding the siren call of hops, spice, and everything nice, even as they continue to craft their beers within the relative confines of the 500-year-old Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Laws). David 

Craft Beer at Time’s Precipice: Cellaring Tips

Craft Beer at Time’s Precipice: Cellaring Tips

To age, or not to age? This temporal variation of a timeless existential question is one that’s being asked with growing frequency in the craft beer world.But even if cellaring beer has become an increasingly popular topic of conversation of late, it’s still relative terra 

Down the Rabbit Hole: Doppelbock-Braised Rabbit

Down the Rabbit Hole: Doppelbock-Braised Rabbit

Rabbit was a rare bird on many a North American menu until relatively recently. Sure, the French had their Lapin à la moutarde and the Germans their Hasenpfeffer. But it wasn’t until European-influenced chefs on this side of the pond began wondering where all the 

The MaltHead Manifesto

The MaltHead Manifesto

~Malthead Manifesto~ A spectre is haunting the craft beer world –– the spectre of Sir Maltalot. Laid low by a tsunami of IPA, the wild yeasts have set in to consume his legacy. Extreme beerists have entered into an unholy alliance with sharp-fanged sours, enlisting 

The Fonduementals of Beer and Cider: Recipes to Warm Your Weekend

The Fonduementals of Beer and Cider: Recipes to Warm Your Weekend

Fondue is a consummately convivial dish in any season. I’ve had fondues in summer, crowded around a communal table at Le Refuge des Fondues, that long-lived Montmartre institution famous for serving barely-drinkable wine in baby bottles. Yes, baby bottles. And I’ve had plenty of fondues 

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Today’s featured beer is brought to you by the letter G for Germany. It’s also brought to you by a date: November 9, a rather infamous date in Germany’s often turbulent twentieth-century history. Many remember this date as the evening when an unexpected event ushered