Tag: #beertravel

Breweries and Beer Hikes in Murnau

Breweries and Beer Hikes in Murnau

  We arrived in Murnau to a golden autumn afternoon perfect for wandering through this landscape famed for its light and colours. Since all good beer hikes need a certain beverage to make them what they are, we made straight for the shimmering Staffelsee lake 

Brauerei Schumacher, Where Düsseldorfer Altbier Began

Brauerei Schumacher, Where Düsseldorfer Altbier Began

  1838 in the Old Town: Düsseldorfer Altbier Düsseldorf is the informal capital of German fashion and home to some of Germany’s most cutting-edge contemporary architecture. Forward-looking as the Düsseldorfers are, the very name of their beloved beer points in the direction of times past: 

Give the Gift of Beer Travel This Holiday Season

Give the Gift of Beer Travel This Holiday Season

  ~Learn about beer tour companies that bring you to exciting new locales~   I’m sure just about every one of us could do with a beercation right about now. It’s been a year like no other in recent memory. Virtual happy hours have largely 

Bamberg’s Beer Gardens: A Bierkeller for All Seasons

Bamberg’s Beer Gardens: A Bierkeller for All Seasons

The broad verdant valley north of Nürnberg gradually gives way to hillier terrain covered in woods. There’s gold in them there leafy hills the closer you get to Bamberg. Liquid gold, that is. And liquid amber, bronze, and copper. The spires and steeples of Bamberg 

Beer and Place: The Aromas of Bamberg

Beer and Place: The Aromas of Bamberg

Bamberg’s one of those places that you immediately sense is a beer town. The moment you step off the train on any given day, you’re greeted with the sweet aromas of malt from the Weyermann facility just north of the train station. And oh, the 

Will Walk for Beer: Franconian Brews beyond Bamberg

Will Walk for Beer: Franconian Brews beyond Bamberg

Suppose you have finally made your way to Munich to try all of those harmoniously brewed helles lagers, Bocks, and Hefeweizens. Supposing, too, that you ventured further afield to the iconic breweries that ring Munich, such as Kloster Andechs, Weihenstephan, and Ayinger. What’s the next