Tag: #beerculture

Brauerei Schumacher, Where Düsseldorfer Altbier Began

Brauerei Schumacher, Where Düsseldorfer Altbier Began

  1838 in the Old Town: Düsseldorfer Altbier Düsseldorf is the informal capital of German fashion and home to some of Germany’s most cutting-edge contemporary architecture. Forward-looking as the Düsseldorfers are, the very name of their beloved beer points in the direction of times past: 

A Lexicon of German Beer Culture

A Lexicon of German Beer Culture

  Translating German Beer Terms Writing about the history and culture of beer in Central Europe invariably involves acts of translation — not only translation of the German-language sources that I read, but also translation in a broad sense. The Russian linguist Roman Jakobson identified