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The Art of the Beer Garden Food Feast

The Art of the Beer Garden Food Feast

  King Max and the Hungry Beer Garden Patron A refreshing beer and a meal in the cooling shade of the beer garden: It’s a beloved rite of spring and summer that dates back to early nineteenth-century Bavaria. For several years, the citizens of Munich 

Kloster Andechs: And Blessed Be Thy Beer

Kloster Andechs: And Blessed Be Thy Beer

Kloster Andechs occupies a central place in the pantheon of German brewing. Founded by Benedictine monks in 1455, Kloster Andechs has been offering hospitality to weary pilgrims ever since. Now run by the Benedictine Abbey of St. Boniface in Munich, Kloster Andechs is the largest 

Fermenting Sauerkraut at Home

Fermenting Sauerkraut at Home

One of the world’s quintessential beer foods, sauerkraut is a delicious treat at any time of the year. Sauerkraut is also the perfect food for this world-historical moment when many of us are stuck at home and digging in for the long haul. Loaded as 

Beer and Pandemics 101: Support Your Local Brewery

Beer and Pandemics 101: Support Your Local Brewery

Never in recent memory has the phrase “support your local brewery” meant more than it does now. I published an article in the local newspaper a week ago about the inaugural Oklahoma Craft Beer Awards. It began like this: “Oklahoma may have been a craft 

Imbibing Beer and Flemish Splendour in Ghent

Imbibing Beer and Flemish Splendour in Ghent

Belgium’s compact size and its efficient transportation network make it a paradise for beer travelers. Say you’re staying in Brussels and want to head to Antwerp or Bruges for lunch and a few cultural excursions, followed by drinks in classic beer cafes. You can easily