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Bourbon Squared: Maple-Glazed Pork Belly Meets Barrel-Aged Beer

Bourbon Squared: Maple-Glazed Pork Belly Meets Barrel-Aged Beer

’Tis the season for rich dishes that combat cold evenings. If you’re looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous turkey (or if you just plain like pork), this dish echoes the flavours and aromas of the bourbon barrel-aged beers I featured last weekend. It would 

Bourbon in Michigan: Barrel-Aged Beer along the Great Lakes

Bourbon in Michigan: Barrel-Aged Beer along the Great Lakes

With its rich aromas and flavours, bourbon barrel-aged beer evokes late fall hues and heralds the coming of winter. In this, the first of what I intend be an occasional series of posts tracking barrel-aged and sour beers across North America, I sample some of 

Celebration Time? Women and the Craft Beer World

Celebration Time? Women and the Craft Beer World

*The inspiration for this piece comes from early November’s The Session topic. Here’s a scenario that was making the rounds in many a cultural sensitivity workshop about a decade ago. It goes something like this: A doctor was driving home early one evening and came 

Milling against the Grain: Grimm Brothers Goes All-Germanic

Milling against the Grain: Grimm Brothers Goes All-Germanic

On a continent awash with American renditions of India Pale Ale, it’s a rare and pleasant surprise to come across a North American brewery that does not have an IPA of some sort on its menu. Grimm Brothers Brewhouse, just a stone’s throw away from 

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Today’s featured beer is brought to you by the letter G for Germany. It’s also brought to you by a date: November 9, a rather infamous date in Germany’s often turbulent twentieth-century history. Many remember this date as the evening when an unexpected event ushered