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So You Wanna Brew a Weizen

So You Wanna Brew a Weizen

In this post, we’ll explore some of the ways you can brew up a 2.5-gallon batch of German Wheat Beer in your kitchen. I’ve included a recipe below for a variation on the Weizen theme: a Roggenbier (rye beer) that you can easily convert into 

Hefeweizen: A Beer for All Seasons

Hefeweizen: A Beer for All Seasons

Recently my local homebrew club had its monthly meeting. Every month we try to bring beers that have been brewed to a particular style. The style on the agenda for March was BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Category 15 – German-style Wheat and Rye Beer. 

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

By noon the early October drizzle had turned into a downpour. Several hours lay between the Alpine peaks and meadows of Chur, where I had been visiting my grandmother, and the drab Saarbrücken way-station where the train traveling between Mannheim and Paris had just deposited 

Getting Your Craft Beer Fill at Austin’s Taprooms and Bottle Shops

Getting Your Craft Beer Fill at Austin’s Taprooms and Bottle Shops

Welcome to Tempest’s series on Austin’s craft beer scene. In this segment, I profile taprooms and bottle shops that I visited during a recent stay in Austin. In Part 1 (here), I introduce readers to a few of Austin’s brewpubs, and then move on to 

Austin: A User’s Guide for the Craft Beverage Enthusiast (Breweries)

Austin: A User’s Guide for the Craft Beverage Enthusiast (Breweries)

Welcome to Tempest’s ongoing series on Austin’s craft beer scene. In this segment, I profile breweries that I visited in Austin. Part 1 (here) introduced a few of Austin’s brewpubs. Part 3 (here) details taprooms and bottle shops in the Austin area. Notes on Method Drinking 

Austin: A User’s Guide for the Craft Beverage Enthusiast (Brewpubs)

Austin: A User’s Guide for the Craft Beverage Enthusiast (Brewpubs)

Welcome to Tempest’s series on Austin’s craft beer scene. In this first installment, I profile brewpubs that I visited during a recent stay in Austin. Part 2 (here) moves on to breweries, including Texas’ only saké brewery. Part 3 (here) features taprooms and bottle shops in 

Three Vintages of Goose Island’s Sofie

Three Vintages of Goose Island’s Sofie

Summer was at its languid apex when the three of us ventured out into the enveloping humidity of an early Ithaca evening lit by the lambent glow of fireflies. All of us would all be leaving town within the coming weeks, so why not lighten 

Romancing the Local (Part III of “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly”)

Romancing the Local (Part III of “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly”)

Oxford American Dictionary’s “Word of the Year” for 2007: locavore. A locavore attempts to consume food that is locally produced – within a one hundred-mile radius, if possible. As of June 2013, the number of breweries in the United States had reached 2538, with more 

Pinning Down Place

Pinning Down Place

“Pinning Down Place” is Part II of my series on place and locality. For Part I, “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly,” click here. For Part III, “Romancing the Local,” click here.   Turning Urban Space into Concrete Place Just as we had begun the short