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Down the Rabbit Hole: Doppelbock-Braised Rabbit

Down the Rabbit Hole: Doppelbock-Braised Rabbit

Rabbit was a rare bird on many a North American menu until relatively recently. Sure, the French had their Lapin à la moutarde and the Germans their Hasenpfeffer. But it wasn’t until European-influenced chefs on this side of the pond began wondering where all the 

Marking Time with a 2013 Brett-Saison from Boulevard

Marking Time with a 2013 Brett-Saison from Boulevard

Tempest is marking time in more ways than one these days. Tempest recently turned eighteen months young. It’s been far too long since I’ve been at my keyboard. April and May kept me busy with our local homebrew club, as did interview preparation for a 

Sustainable Homebrewing

Sustainable Homebrewing

Earth Day 2015 is now receding in the rear-view mirror, but it’s worth keeping the Earth Day ethos in mind whenever we fire up our brewing systems. With the annual Big Brew festivities rapidly approaching, we may even want to challenge ourselves to put some 

In the Cool Shade of the Beer Garden

In the Cool Shade of the Beer Garden

It was one of those August days when the sun-baked cobblestones seem to transcend themselves in mirage-like fashion. Since arriving in Salzburg earlier that day, we had been exploring a baroque palace here, a castle overlooking the city there, and churches everywhere. Definitely time for 

Drinking with the Trickster in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Drinking with the Trickster in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

The unexpected chill in the air foretold snow as we set off from Missoula in the direction of the interior of British Columbia. By the time we began to wend our way through the Bitter Root Range, driving sleet was upon us. Our destination was 

Five Recipes for Your Cocktail Hour

Five Recipes for Your Cocktail Hour

… And now for a change of pace. Sure, beer cocktails are all the rage these days. But there’s more to imbibing than beer. Sacrilege, I know. But in the spirit of expanding our flavour and aroma horizons, how about an evening cocktail? Depending on 

Augurs of Spring: Wheat Beers Belgian, German, and American (Sat. 6-Pack, Vol.4)

Augurs of Spring: Wheat Beers Belgian, German, and American (Sat. 6-Pack, Vol.4)

Warmer days and cool nights. April showers on the horizon. The occasional spring frost following upon a stretch of summer-like days. Time to lay those warming Russian Stouts and barley wines down to rest for another season. * * * The quintessential beer for your 

Austin: Twenty Beers and Breweries You Don’t Want to Miss

Austin: Twenty Beers and Breweries You Don’t Want to Miss

Another edition of SXSW is upon us. If you’re from out of town, or even if you live in Austin, the plethora of excellent craft beer possibilities can make drink decisions a little daunting. But fear not. I’ve put together a list of some of 

New York’s Finger Lakes Region: A Backroad Craft Beer Tour

New York’s Finger Lakes Region: A Backroad Craft Beer Tour

Waterfalls, gorges, and verdant rolling hills. Eleven long, picturesque glacial lakes carved into the area just south of the Great Lakes during the last Ice Age. Combining stunning natural scenery with a tapestry of interlacing beer and wine trails, the Finger Lakes region of Upstate 

Striking Craft Beer Gold in Boulder (The Front Range Series)

Striking Craft Beer Gold in Boulder (The Front Range Series)

Park lands and cycling trails, winter sports, an interesting mix of people, a college town vibe, the Flatirons, three hundred days of sunshine a year, and, of course, world-class craft beer. What’s not to like about Boulder, Colorado? In my previous article, “Boulder: Craft Beer