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Tempest at Two Years: Raising My Tankard to You

Tempest at Two Years: Raising My Tankard to You

The Chistkindl markets tucked into Vienna’s squares large and small foretell snowflakes and frosty windowpanes. The fragrance of the town has become decidedly seasonal. Cinnamon and clove announcing mulled wine (Glühwein) mingle with the sweet brown sugar aromas of roasted and spiced almonds (gebrannte Mandeln) 

Of Whisky Casks and Doppelbocks: The New Wave of German Brewing

Of Whisky Casks and Doppelbocks: The New Wave of German Brewing

It was only a matter of time until a new generation of German brewers started heeding the siren call of hops, spice, and everything nice, even as they continue to craft their beers within the relative confines of the 500-year-old Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Laws). David 

Craft Beer at Time’s Precipice: Cellaring Tips

Craft Beer at Time’s Precipice: Cellaring Tips

To age, or not to age? This temporal variation of a timeless existential question is one that’s being asked with growing frequency in the craft beer world.But even if cellaring beer has become an increasingly popular topic of conversation of late, it’s still relative terra 

Returning for Another Sip of Terroir

Returning for Another Sip of Terroir

I pause from reading the newspaper to take another sip of my coffee. A melange –– a Viennese classic coffee that goes by a French name sans the accent. A true mix: no single-origin beans here. This evening I’m experiencing a mélange as well: a 

Six Tips to Help You Get the Most out of the Great American Beer Fest

Six Tips to Help You Get the Most out of the Great American Beer Fest

The trees are starting to don their autumn colours and the kegs have already been tapped for this year’s Oktoberfest in Munich. Today in Vienna the curtain rises on a less well-known festival, but one entirely in keeping with the spirit of the harvest season: 

Prelude to a Drink: Vienna

Prelude to a Drink: Vienna

New job, new city. The two combined have left me precious little time to write. I know, I know. Tough life living in Vienna. Until the remnants of summer stop beckoning me to every nook and cranny of this fine town, my time at the 

This Bird’s For You: Black Raven’s Pour Les Oiseaux Saison

This Bird’s For You: Black Raven’s Pour Les Oiseaux Saison

Aesthetics made me do it. That, and the intriguing description of the beer on the back of this attractively packaged embossed bottle crowned with gold foil and unconventional of size and shape. Adapted from the bottle notes: A blend of complex earthy, fruity, and light 

Weather Forecast: A Deluge of Beer

Weather Forecast: A Deluge of Beer

Calm seas in Tempest Land will give way to a torrent of words in the coming weeks. Expect the first rumblings tonight or tomorrow with another edition of “Your Saturday Six-Pack.” On the menu: Saisons. In the meantime, feel free to check out my “Rough