The MaltHead Manifesto

The MaltHead Manifesto

~Malthead Manifesto~ A spectre is haunting the craft beer world –– the spectre of Sir Maltalot. Laid low by a tsunami of IPA, the wild yeasts have set in to consume his legacy. Extreme beerists have entered into an unholy alliance with sharp-fanged sours, enlisting 

The Uncritical Embrace of Craft Beer?

The Uncritical Embrace of Craft Beer?

Act II –– Night. Afterward, dawn. […] The scene represents a forest, and in the forest is a cave. By the cave sits a third actor in tights, representing yet another gnome. […] Enter the god Wotan, again with a spear, and again in the 

The Curiosity Cabinet: Southern Tier’s Crème Brûlée

The Curiosity Cabinet: Southern Tier’s Crème Brûlée

Some beers dare you try them. If you’ve spent more than a few minutes of your time perusing the offerings at any bottle shop worth its salt or reading the buzz surrounding “avant-garde” beers and breweries, you’ll likely have come across a curious cabinet stocked 

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

By noon the early October drizzle had turned into a downpour. Several hours lay between the Alpine peaks and meadows of Chur, where I had been visiting my grandmother, and the drab Saarbrücken way-station where the train traveling between Mannheim and Paris had just deposited 

Romancing the Local (Part III of “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly”)

Romancing the Local (Part III of “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly”)

Oxford American Dictionary’s “Word of the Year” for 2007: locavore. A locavore attempts to consume food that is locally produced – within a one hundred-mile radius, if possible. As of June 2013, the number of breweries in the United States had reached 2538, with more 

Pinning Down Place

Pinning Down Place

“Pinning Down Place” is Part II of my series on place and locality. For Part I, “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly,” click here. For Part III, “Romancing the Local,” click here.   Turning Urban Space into Concrete Place Just as we had begun the short 

A Reflection of Place, But Dimly (Part I)

A Reflection of Place, But Dimly (Part I)

  In Sanlúcar One of my favourite food and beverage combinations is a glass of Manzanilla accompanied by shrimp sautéed in olive oil and garlic, dusted with Pimentón de la Vera, and finished with a shot of Oloroso. The bracingly dry sea-breeze crispness is the 

Drinking Lager in an Age of Extreme Taste

Drinking Lager in an Age of Extreme Taste

For this, the eighty-third installment of The Session, Rebecca of The Bake and Brew puts forward the notion of tasting “against the grain.” She urges us to consider how much our taste or opinion of a craft beer is affected by a few of the