Fermenting Sauerkraut at Home

Fermenting Sauerkraut at Home

One of the world’s quintessential beer foods, sauerkraut is a delicious treat at any time of the year. Sauerkraut is also the perfect food for this world-historical moment when many of us are stuck at home and digging in for the long haul. Loaded as 

A Lexicon of German Beer Culture

A Lexicon of German Beer Culture

Writing about the history and culture of beer in Central Europe invariably involves acts of translation — not only translation of the German-language sources that I read, but also translation in a broad sense. The Russian linguist Roman Jakobson identified three modes of translation, including 

Prague: A Jewel in the Crown of Beer Culture

Prague: A Jewel in the Crown of Beer Culture

~Some of Prague’s Best Beer Spots~   Prague is justly famous for its Old Town Square, its Castle District dominated by St. Vitus Cathedral, and the Charles Bridge, majestic despite the throngs of tourists. Beyond that, Prague is famous for the Defenestration of Prague. (Defenestration: 

Will Walk for Beer: Franconian Brews beyond Bamberg

Will Walk for Beer: Franconian Brews beyond Bamberg

Suppose you have finally made your way to Munich to try all of those harmoniously brewed helles lagers, Bocks, and Hefeweizens. Supposing, too, that you ventured further afield to the iconic breweries that ring Munich, such as Kloster Andechs, Weihenstephan, and Ayinger. What’s the next 

Warming Beers for Cold Nights

Warming Beers for Cold Nights

~ “The past is a foreign country.” ~ You might have ended up here thinking this post was going to be about barley wines, Belgian quads, barrel-aged imperial stouts, or winter warmers. It’s not, much as I enjoy those typically malty styles. My apologies. Blame