Hefeweizen: A Beer for All Seasons

Hefeweizen: A Beer for All Seasons

Recently my local homebrew club had its monthly meeting. Every month we try to bring beers that have been brewed to a particular style. The style on the agenda for March was BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Category 15 – German-style Wheat and Rye Beer. 

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

A Coal Town and a Cold One: My Hefeweizen Conversion to Good Beer

By noon the early October drizzle had turned into a downpour. Several hours lay between the Alpine peaks and meadows of Chur, where I had been visiting my grandmother, and the drab Saarbrücken way-station where the train traveling between Mannheim and Paris had just deposited 

Three Vintages of Goose Island’s Sofie

Three Vintages of Goose Island’s Sofie

Summer was at its languid apex when the three of us ventured out into the enveloping humidity of an early Ithaca evening lit by the lambent glow of fireflies. All of us would all be leaving town within the coming weeks, so why not lighten 

After Hell and Damnation Comes Redemption: Brouwerij de Molen’s Imperial Stout

After Hell and Damnation Comes Redemption: Brouwerij de Molen’s Imperial Stout

Brouwerij de Molen is one serious brewery. No brightly coloured logos or designs. Spare black-and-white text-centric labels are clean and to the point. Colour and bittering units. Brewing date: 02 March 2011. Bottling date: 08 April 2011. Ingredients. Bottle 889 of 2144. Drink at 15 

Winter Nights and Warming Barley Wines from Sussex, Texas, and Québec

Winter Nights and Warming Barley Wines from Sussex, Texas, and Québec

Here in my neck of the prairies the late December nights have taken an icier turn. As hearty squirrels forage for the last of the pecans scattered beneath trees that have bidden farewell to their autumn foliage, my imbibing desires call out increasingly for something 

Bourbon in Michigan: Barrel-Aged Beer along the Great Lakes

Bourbon in Michigan: Barrel-Aged Beer along the Great Lakes

With its rich aromas and flavours, bourbon barrel-aged beer evokes late fall hues and heralds the coming of winter. In this, the first of what I intend be an occasional series of posts tracking barrel-aged and sour beers across North America, I sample some of 

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Featured Beer: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe “Bonator”

Today’s featured beer is brought to you by the letter G for Germany. It’s also brought to you by a date: November 9, a rather infamous date in Germany’s often turbulent twentieth-century history. Many remember this date as the evening when an unexpected event ushered