Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: Poechenellekelder, Brussels

Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: Poechenellekelder, Brussels

  Cantillon with its cobwebbed rafters sheltering rows of barrels. The cheerfully riotous Delirium Café. Moeder Lambic with its rare beers. The Morte Subite, elegantly attired in art nouveau. You could spend days or even weeks in Brussels without coming close to exhausting your possibilities 

Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: Pelikaan, Antwerp

Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: Pelikaan, Antwerp

Antwerp offers some of the best beer cafes in the country for beer travelers willing to venture beyond the well-worn path between Brussels and Bruges. Cosmopolitan yet compact, Antwerp is the kind of place where you don’t have to walk far to find an excuse 

Postcards from Belgium: De Halve Maan in Bruges

Postcards from Belgium: De Halve Maan in Bruges

If you happen to have read some of the beer buzz coming out of Europe about a half-decade back, you might recall a Belgian brewery that made international headlines with its beer pipeline. That brewery is De Halve Maan, a centuries’ old brewery set amid 

A Few of My Favourite Things: Belgian Beer Cafes

A Few of My Favourite Things: Belgian Beer Cafes

  ~In Search of Belgium’s “Best” Beer Cafes~   Belgium is home to countless beer cafes ranging from hole-in-the-wall locales in the working-class districts of Brussels to beer pilgrimage destinations like In de Vrede, Westvleteren’s beer café in West Flanders. Many lovers of Belgian beer 

Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: ’t Brugs Beertje, Bruges

Belgian Beer Café Vignettes: ’t Brugs Beertje, Bruges

  Bruges is Brussels’ alter ego. Swans floating languidly on canals, quiet cobblestone lanes, and magnificent Flemish architecture add up to a far cry from the gritty bustle of Brussels. But in things beer, the two cities are equals. Bruges boasts a few breweries and