Hoisting a Tankard on Tempest’s First Anniversary
The leaves have begun to fall from the trees where I live and the days portend cooler weather to come. It’s time to put the grill away for the season and drink up the last of my saisons before digging out the imperial stouts, robust porters, barley wines, and Doppelbocks that complement a smoky autumn evening so well.It’s also time for me to open a special bottle of beer I’ve been saving for the occasion of this, Tempest’s first birthday. On my way through Indiana this past summer, I found an oddity in South Bend that combines two of my favourite styles in one bottle: Schneider’s Tap X Porter Weisse.
But before I take a sip––wow! a porter with a rocky head like a Hefeweizen!––let me raise my glass to all of you who have read my posts and articles over the past year. Cheers! It’s been an exciting ride so far. I’ve met some very generous people with some fascinating stories to tell. And I’ve enjoyed sitting down to write about it.
The Year in Brief
Blogs privilege the moment, making older posts difficult to find in the depths of the virtual archives. Before getting the Porter Weisse out of the fridge, I updated Tempest’s annotated index in case you have a rainy (or snowy) Sunday afternoon and want to read any of the sixty-odd articles I’ve posted to date.
For the curious, the five articles that have gained the most traction over the year are these:
- Of Isinglass and Other Fine Additives, Or, Is That a Fish Bladder I Spy in My Beer?
- The Uncritical Embrace of Craft Beer?
- Drinking Lager in an Age of Extreme Taste
- Romancing the Local (Part III of the series, “A Reflection of Place, But Dimly”)
- Terroir and the Making of Beer into Wine (a provocative and insightful article guest-written by Kevin Goldberg)
Keep your eyes out for an article I’ve been working on for eons now on the topic of cans versus bottles––a topic that usually occasions vigourous debate.Back in September, I posted the first of two interviews in my Industry Series, an occasional series of pieces that introduces readers to unique careers (some might even say dream jobs) within the beer/beverage industry. If you or someone you know who would like to be interviewed, get in touch.
- How To Become a Beer Liaison: An Interview with Genesee’s Sean Coughlin
- The Industry Series: Tasting Tips from Cornell Flavour Chemist, Gavin Sacks
One more thing before I start drinking my Porter Weisse in earnest: I’m hoping to expand my readership during my second year, so don’t forget to tell all your craft beer-drinking friends to like Tempest on Facebook or follow Tempest on Twitter (@TempestTankard). Consider subscribing to Tempest as well so you can get email updates as I post new material. Prost!

And now for that beer. (Click here for tasting notes on Schneider’s Porter Weisse.)
Sky images by F.D. Hofer
FDH by Max M.
© 2014 F.D. Hofer and A Tempest in a Tankard. All Rights Reserved.
Congrats! Looking forward to what the second year brings.
Thanks, Bryan!
Has it been a year already?
I’ll toast T-in-a-T tonight with a Founders Backwoods Bastard (a beer I’d love to see reviewed here–and I dare you to find the ubiquitous “hints of marzipan” in it!).
Yeah, the time has zipped by quite quickly. Enjoy the Backwoods Bastard––great beer! Incidentally, I did review it right around Thanksgiving last year:
And no marzipan 😉
(Damn, has marzipan really become that ubiquitous in my write-ups?!)
Huh. Look at that. That’s a great review, of Backwoods, BTW. I’m saving my last bottle (or trying to) at least until late winter.
And I just had to poke at the marzipan thing. When we had that great tasting session with Ryan a few years ago, you mentioned a hint of marzipan in a few beers. When you left the room for a moment, Ryan asked, “what’s Marzipan,” and I said “it’s something Franz tastes in every beer!”