Tag: Vienna Lager

“A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine”: Vienna Lager Past and Present

“A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine”: Vienna Lager Past and Present

A few years back, the beer world came together to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Law) promulgated in 1516. The atmosphere across Bavaria was festive. Breweries touted the Reinheitsgebot during their tours, museums staged exhibitions about the edict’s history, and beer 

Vienna Lager: Ten Beers to Try in Austria’s Capital

Vienna Lager: Ten Beers to Try in Austria’s Capital

What began life as a rough-and-ready list of Vienna Lagers to accompany “A Heavenly Drink, Like Concentrated Sunshine: Vienna Lager Past and Present” has morphed into something more than that. Below you’ll read about beer names that evoke colourful characters and aspects of Viennese history. 

Autumn in a Glass: Märzen, Oktoberfest Beer, and Vienna Lager

Autumn in a Glass: Märzen, Oktoberfest Beer, and Vienna Lager

  ~Confused about the difference between a Märzen, a Festbier, an Oktoberfest Märzen, and a Vienna Lager? “Autumn in a Glass” has you covered.~   As the leaves in the beer gardens begin to don their autumnal attire and the evenings hint of the harvest, 

The Colour of Fall Leaves: Tasting Notes on Märzen, Oktoberfestbier, and Vienna Lager

The Colour of Fall Leaves: Tasting Notes on Märzen, Oktoberfestbier, and Vienna Lager

Wondering about the differences between Märzen, Oktoberfest Beer, and Vienna Lager? Check out “Autumn in a Glass: Märzen, Oktoberfest Beer, and Vienna Lager” before cracking open your first beer in this four-pack of Central European beers. a) Märzen Märzen is a malt-lover’s dream. Depending on